Friday 31 March 2017

meet Rockie

I got to hang out with mummy's granddaughter Sophie and her French bulldog Rockie. 

Sophie gave me lots of cuddles which I loved and than me and Rockie had a game of tugger 
Love Chip

Thursday 30 March 2017

I have a another job

Mummy said I have a another job 🐶 I have to be a big boy and guard the car while she dropped off her deliveries 📦 
I really do think me and mummy need to review my treat allowance luv Chip

Meet Barney

Thought today i'd introduce you to one of the other doggies i spend my day bugging lolol and making mayhem with......
Please Welcome Barney he was rescued from the streets in Romania he's my partner in crime we love jumping on the sofa and running around and making mummies hair turn grey lolol 

xxx Chip

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Can you see me ?

Can you see me ? 

I'm just catching up on my beauty sleep next to my big sister Cookie the Corgi 


Tuesday 28 March 2017

I've had a hard day

I've had a hard day helping my owner at work 

I think I need to increase my payment of treats🍗


Hello everyone

Hi everyone I'm Chip and welcome to my blog. 
Please bear with me while my owner finishes uploading stuff .