Wednesday 5 April 2017

I got mail

I had a lovely surprised when I got home I had mail !!!! 

it took me all of 5 seconds to rip 
open the package, Think i got a little excited 
Inside was a new flashing safety collar light which mummy has clicked  onto my collar.

I have found pro's and cons for wearing the tag....
The Pro ...... 
When we are old walking on a night all traffic and people can see me coming which is a very good thing because I'm only tiny also there is also a spot for you to write your name and phone number.

Now The CON 
(photo is me upto no good in the garden ) 
Mum can see me when im upto no good in the garden on a night I can no longer blame the other dogs :-(
mummy doesn't agree with me she think this is a good thing 


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